Wings Books

Usability of Wings Reference Books
Many of these books are out of print and are themselves quite rare and valuable. As works of reference, they are all valuable. As some of the older ones were written and published at a time when collecting wings was a "new endeavour" for many people, it must be remembered that the information in any of these reference books is not infallible. They represent the best information available to the author at the time they were written. Sometimes full information was not available, and sometimes "popular common knowledge" was not, as it turns out, always accurate.

Collectors are a relatively small community and most often quite ready to impart the latest knowledge, so if you want to check or verify information on any wing, find one and ask! Check the Resource pages of this site to see if any specialist advisors have volunteered to impart their knowledge to specific enquiries.

Books noted as "Out of Print" may still be findable!! There are many on-line resources available now and many used book sellers list online. There is a wide variation in prices of specialised books, so it pays to shop around.

You can try the following links for new and used books: Advanced Book Exchange

The following books may be useful references. Please feel free to email from the HOME page if you would like other books included!

Wings of World War 2
author Russel Huff
self published, copyright 1981, 1st edition published 1985. Out of print
A very valuable survey of the combattant and other associated nations involved in the conflict. While this book is now acknowleged to contain errors, (many reviewed in the later publication "Wings and Things", see below) it remains a useful documentary of items rarely seen.
Russ is now once again selling a fully stitched hard binding version of this original work, in limited "remaining stock" numbers for US$50 plus shipping costs. Its well worth buying while still available hardbound. The earlier versions were mostly paperbacked and glue-bound and good examples are hard to find.
Russ may be contacted directly at

A Companion to Wings of World War 2
author Russel Huff
self published. Out of print
A scarce follow up companion to Wings of World War 2, containing mostly line drawings of wings. Russ is now once again selling limited "remaining stock" of this volume. Its valuable addition to your resource set.
Russ may be contacted directly at

Wings & Things of the World
author Russel Huff
self published. Out of print
Rare "newsletter" style supplements published by Russ Huff. Twenty four issues were published from 1987-1993. They include input from veterans and many resspected wing collectors. They are very difficult to find as a set but well worth buying, even as singles, if you can find a copy. Limited issues of these are still available directly from Russ
Russ may be contacted directly at

Thirty Years of U.S. Army Pilot Wings 1917 - 1947
author Charles I. Fitzsimmons, PhD, ATP
self published. Out of print
This book shows well the many variations of pilot wings during the history of US Army aviation. It uses highly detailed line drawings to display the wings. A very useful reference with well written and informative text . This book is not commonly sold but may still be available directly from the author. You can e-mail me from the HOME page and I will see if I can use channels to make contact.

Aviation Badges and Insignia of the United States Army 1913-1946
author J.Duncan Campbell
self published 1977. Reprinted several times. Currently out of print
This is widely regarded as "THE BIBLE" source of information on US wings. The text is excellent and covers in great detail the evolution of all of the Army badges. The 1995 4th printing contains both line drawings and B&W photographs of wings and badges and has a detailed Appendix which discusses squadron badges, the many question around fakes and restrikes and adds new information on wings not covered in the earleir editions. Many different patterns are represented. Though out of print, this book is worth finding through the on-line book sellers in their out of print sections.

Military Pilot and Aircrew Badges of the World (1870-present) Vol 1 Europe A-H
author Don Chalif
published by James Bender 1982. Out of print
This book is invaluable for anyone collecting European pilot and aircrew badges. Unfortunately, its title is a misnomer because there is no Volume 2. I have been in touch with James Bender to enquire about "the rest of the volumes" and he informs me that Don Chalif has prepared manuscripts and photographs and they are scattered around the back room at the publisher's office. This work was prepared before the time of digital imagery and computer based publishing and a lot of work is required to bring it up to scratch. You are encouraged to contact Bender to pester them to release the rest of the works!

Volume 1 is now out of date, but if ALL the volumes, all the world had been released in as masterly a fashion as Volume 1, This website would not have been necessary except to add colour!Though out of print, this book is worth finding through the on-line book sellers in their out of print sections.

Silver Wings Pinks & Greens
author Jon A. Maguire
If you're looking for one great book on collecting WWII US Army Air Force wings, this should be it. It covers the collection of wings, patches, uniforms, etc worn by the men and women of the USAAF. The text is accurate and informative and has excellent color photography. This book is often carried in stock by sellers and Barnes and

More Silver Wings Pinks & Greens
author Jon A. Maguire
The sister book to the above book. Another fabulous reference for the collector. This text deals not only with WW2 USAAF wings but wings from WW1, WASPs, Civil Air Patrol and wings from the Golden Years of flight. This book is often carried in stock by sellers and Barnes and

United States Navy Wings of Gold From 1917 - To the Present
author Ron L. Willis & Thomas Carmichael
publisshed by Schiffer Military History
This is the definitive book on the history of US Naval wings. It shows color photos of the many different types and variations in pilot, crew and other naval wings. It has sections devoted to each period from 1917 to today. The photos are excellent and the text very informative. This book is often carried in stock by sellers and Barnes and

Eagles Recalled, Air Force Wings of Canada, Great Britain and the British Commonwealth 1913-45
author Warren Carroll
published by Schiffer Military History, 1997
This book deals with wings of Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the other countries of the the Commonwealth. It has sections devoted to WWI and WWII wings. There is extensive coverage of the different variations in all wings from pilot to air crew. It is an excellent resource for those collecting wings of the Commonwealth. This book is currently available from the on-line book sellers. An excellent addition to any collection!!

United States Army Air Service Wing Badges - Uniforms and Insignia 1913-1918
author Terry R. Morris, Major USA, Ret
This book is an essential reference for U.S. WWI Army wing collectors. It is a fabulous reference with over 70 wings, collar insignia and sleeve insignia displayed. The author describes each item in great detail and gives the reader what to know about restrikes. This book is out of print but can sometimes be found through the on-line book sellers in their out of print sections. It also may be available from the publisher: Scott A. Duff Publications

Militärische Abzeichender Deutschen Demokratiischen Republik (Military Badges of the German Democratic Republic DDR)
author Feder, Wagner, Swoboda
published by Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik 1988, out of print.
This book, was published as the official government guide to East German DDR military badges. It is written completely in German. Non-German speakers may have some trouble understanding the very descriptive text, but it is a very complete graphic text also. The badges are shown very clearly as full colour drawings, with the German title and date of use. This book is sometimes seen on on-line auctions as well as listed in on-line used book sales.

Badges and Insignia of WW2 - Air Force, Naval, Marine
author Guido Rosignoli
published by various publishers including Exeter Books, first in 1976, 1980 and 1983. Out of print.
This book is a composite of two earlier books, one on Air Force, one on Naval/Marine WW2 badges. There are many colour plates indicating badges not illustrated elsewhere, along with about 50% descriptive and informative text. While the images are small, ths book contributes mightily to an overal picture. The book can often be found on online auctions and in online used-book stores.

Flygarnas Vingar - En sammanställning av tjänsteteccken för flygande personal inom svenska försvarsmakten 1914-2001
Flight Wings - descriptions of aircrew badges used in the Swedish Armed Forces 1914-2001

author Rolf Westerberg & Ingemar Nilsson
published by Svensk Flyghistorisk Förening.
This full colour booklet is written in Swedish, but contains a 3 page English summary describing the badges, without the detailed history presented in Swedish. The booklet shows examples of badges that were, are and might have been in use but were not selected. It also contains some great B&W photographs of uniform examples and applications of badges. The book can probably be obtained through:
Svensk Flyghistorisk Förening, Box 10 267, 100 55 Stockholm, Sweden